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Monday, 26 January 2009

OUR Babies

Frosty was jelous that Baloo was one the bed for one second longer than he was! :)

I have always been one for doggies and kitties; growing up I was always the kid asking mommy and daddy for a puppy!
So when 2 years ago Brian surprised me with our first doggie as my birthday present, i pretty much knew we were meant to be!
Our two little guys are the joys of our lives, we may love them too much; in fact as I am writing all my babies, (hubby included) are sleeping belly up on our bed :) and i couldn't love that more. Every night when this happens I am at my most thankful for my life.

Our bonus room upstairs is a very weird shape, it is very very large, and elongated, the couches and TV are all the way in the back of the room and the ceilings are kind of like slanted attic ceilings. So it is pretty much THE HARDEST room to decorate in teh world; you can't really have wall art or photos on the walls, there aren't corners to furnish etc!! Also, i could never think if a theme for it, as it is our FAMILY room, so we didnt want it too formal. Long story short, I think it would be a cute idea if we make it homey with some really nice images of our pups, in classy clean frames! and kind of spicy it up with comfy pillows and perhaps a few shelves!??! i don't know how long this project will take, but I can finally picture something in my head for it!

I would defintiey love to have photos like the one above to furnish it a bit ;-)

This is proabably the most boring post ever SORRY! but maybe 2 years from now it will be more interesting! :D


stephanie said...

Pupppppies!!! I am so nesting right now, I met someone for a photo session at this mall area yesterday, and while I waiting I went inside to a pet store, and they had little baby puppies who were jumping around and just wanted me to love them, and I seriously almost called Sean to tell him I was bringing one home. Alas. I think we're getting a long-haired chihuahua next, (probably in a year or so, we have to give the baby and Kali time to get used to each other), unless we adopt again.

I think decorating with photos of your babies is a great idea!

Why 2 years?