I love my life, it is perfect, and I am utterly conscious of how lucky I am to have "it all". Still though, a perfect life is not achieved without hard work; and it is hard work that I perform every. single. day. I can honestly say that 95% of my daily activities revolve around photography in one way or another, and honestly!? I love that.
Today after an unusually stressful shoot (involving horrifying ticks) Christine drove me back to my car (parked at Target). I was amply ready to fly back home & run in the shower to scrub the living wildlife off of me...
As I sat in my car, I glanced up to my windshield and saw a turquoise envelope reading "Mrs. Morris" on the front.
I anxiously opened my car door to collect the mysterious letter and harshly ripped the outer shell open. As I was doing this, I'll admit... the words "psycho stalker" did cross my mind. But the more paper I ripped the quicker I recognized the familiar hand writing characteristic of my husband's.
The card reminded me of one of the MANY he used to always get for me and surprise me with when we first dated. He used to always make a sweet card appear at the most unexpected moments: as I was about to pick up my coffee cup, or sit in my car-seat...
It had been a while, but tonight he broke it. He broke the routine we have grown so accustomed to, and surprised me with a sweet gesture.
When I came home he was cooking a delicious dinner (10 more brownie points for him!).
and when he proposed making a bath for me I fell in love with him all over again. ;P
He let me take MY TIME, as he often allows me to. He understands that I can easily spend 45 minutes taking a hot shower. I feel like that little note he left for me at the wind-shield of my car was a reminder for me to STOP. and enjoy. and relax.
And relax i did.
After the long shower, I pampered myself with rose scented lotion, painted my nails, and watched Sex and the City. **SIGHHHHHHHH girl-y time was definitely needed**
Here is the note that reminded me to slow down, take a breather, and do something else just- because.

Tomorrow we will be going to Nashville to party with all our friends. We will be celebrating Tori's bachelorette party, shopping, eating yummy food and yes even bar hopping ;)