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Monday, 28 June 2010

Bitter-SWEET & Macaroons

Just returned from vacation: I can't explain the feeling to be back home. Such a bitter, but also OH SO SWEET! and I punctually have the "where-do-I-begin-catching-up-with-it-ALL" feeling. Unpacking, work, errands, repacking. Got back today and leaving in 3 days!!!!!!!! life is NUTS, but at least husby will be coming along for this ride.

Lately I have been OBSESSED with Macaroons! I mean I think they are mesmerazing-ly beautiful and perfectly delicious.

Here are some Macaroon recipes I am going to try when I find a little "house-wife" time:

Macaroon Recipe 1: Raspberry Chocolate

Macaroon Recipe 2: Yo Yo's

Macaroon Recipe 3: Pops

A million pictures of our surreal trip to Alaska coming soon!


Aspiring Kennedy said...

are they hard to make? i'm only ever in the mood to buy them. :) have never attempted to actually make my own. i am impressed!