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Thursday, 24 March 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

Julia Roberts and I in the same exact spot. At the top of Castel Sant' Angelo

I am fresh off watching that movie and I am so happy about the message that I received from it.

The movie is about a woman freeing herself of her husband to ultimately find herself externally and internally. Quitting her marriage from a man she married when she was too young and claiming to have grown apart from. A woman thirsty to see the world and feel appetite for life. Waking up crying, doubting her marriage to a man she no longer loves and praying for an answer, which in order begins her journey.

Thankfully I can say that I can only relate to part of her journey. I am grateful that my loving partner shows me how to love by example everyday, and this has such a powerful influence on me in the way I am lucky to understand love. Yes, I do believe that doubts, struggles, and fights are horrible and so tough to get through, sometimes even dominating the inner most parts of the mind, but not the heart. In my heart I do know that what true contentment is, what true love is to ME: to be by his side, no matter what. Those three little words "no matter what" will forever make life bumpy, but the alternative, to be without him, kills me at the mere thought.

What I got from watching the movie, is not the feeling to escape, rather the feeling to crawl so close next to my husband until I am under his skin. Because even after searching the whole world, I know that I want life with him, the good and the bad and even the ordinary days in between.