So in the search for those, better fitting photos, I found these below! They are only from 1 to 2 years ago, but we've all changed so much, so it proves that blogs/journals are a good thing to keep up with, because everything is so fast-fleeting.
I figured you'd be seeing mine and Brian's faces a lot on this blog, so showing a few new faces (my family) would be a good variety.
I showed Brian that I created this blog and he loved it, he thanked me for making it, which made me really happy. We did not see each other much today, I was really in a super busy work mode tonight, he made fried fish we ate it together (YUMMY!), and then he pretty much went to bed at 9:30 (BORING!) :D.
Tomorrow is Friday, and thankfully there will be plenty of time to catch up with him and go out with friends! Anyhoo stick around, St. Thomas pics coming soon!
I call this photo "Like doggie, Like Mama" i think Baloo and I look alike in this pic heheh! :)
My dad and my (then fiance) now husband
Mom with a silly/horrendous hat at TJMAXX
Giulia my friend (from Italy whom Ive known since I was 9) me and my mom
My mommy and I
My dad and my baby nephew
Brian, driving through Pensacola, almost looking COOL hehehe :) he's so cute!
The speed with which life flies is a HUGE reason why we started our blog. Also, I think it will be SO fun for the baby to be able to read all the things we were going through and doing while we were waiting for him or her to get here, after he or she is born, etc. I love blogging for that reason--digital scrapbooking, but MUCH easier than real life scrapbooking!
And ohmygosh! Your nephew has gotten so big! How old is he now?
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