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Monday, 2 March 2009

red hot

Above, some quick snapshots by Christine in her front yard right after I got my "HAIR DID" ;)

So I have to PUBLICLY thank Tiffany Behel for giving me this gorgeous hair color, that I am so much in love with. You can find her at Artisans Salon and Spa on Airport Rd.
She is awesome and I would suggest going to her any day!
She will hook you up! ;)

There is NOTHING that makes a girl feel better than good hair. There is something euphoric about walking out of the salon with your hair softer, lighter, brighter and shinier than usual! It's the ultimate pampering treat!
Not to mention, the warm hair dryer that will just puts me to sleep!

Anyhoo, I am pretty sure I will go brighter and brighter. So I hope you like, cause it's here to stay.

In Brian news, he dropped one of his classes, and although I encouraged him to stick with it for the longest time, I know he made the right choice by leaving it.
It was tough material, but the issue was the professor, unfortunately. So he will take it later on. No sense in loosing any more sleep, hair and mental sanity over it.
Jokes aside, I can already see him being happier and it's only been one day.

by the way, we went to Surin of Thai for Sushi a couple of days ago and we SWOONED over their SUPER CRUNCH! YUM!



stephanie said...

Oh wow!! I dig it! It makes me want to go back to red, I always had a lot of fun with it. I literally changed the shade every other time I went in, there are SO many reds to play with!