CONFESSIONS (don't judge):
I follow so many blogs and I write two, this one and SimplyBloom's, so you can imagine that I horribly prioritize the photo blog over this one, and by the time Im done blogging that one, I have no energy to blog on this one....
can you count how many times I said "blog"!?!? gosh!
Life has been running smoothly and ordinarily. I need some organization in my life; my mother could have told me that yearsss ago, but It's just starting to add up for me... my purse, my house, my office, my closet, are all unorganized.scattered.disheveled parts of my life. I wish I would wake up and my purse would be cleaned out, carrying only the necessities and other useful trinkets, not trash, receipts, bubble gum wrappers and random plane tickets from months ago. yup! it's true
My clothes are separated in two different dressers, two different luggage, and one closet that is dying to be made over. Winter and summer clothes are MIXED and it's to the point that I have no idea what I own. I seriously buy clothes and lose them in my own closet
my office, while it may be cluttered with papers, I actually like it this way, and if someone were to clean it, I would be pissed. I know where everything is in my piles, and lists and post it notes. and I'd like it to stay this way.
I have several luggage in my living room containing clothes from recent trips... but I guess that is the life I always wanted, one out of a suitcase. The thought always thrilled me.
My disorganization is partly innate, partly it is by choice, partly by laziness, but mostly it is due to my workaholicism. I know many can relate to this, and business owners even more so. It's quite strange because in truth, I love my life, I love the way that I can work until 2:00am and not resent one single minute, I love to challenge myself on how much I can get done, I love to set my own goals high and go go go. But in the meantime I neglect many many other aspects of my life. It's a true bittersweet.
In different news, I am finally going to post some New Years Holiday NYC PHOTOS asap!!