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Tuesday, 18 May 2010

San Francisco, CA

Please forgive the very "stream of consciousness" type writing...

Just returned from San Francisco. It was my first time there and as usual we saw amazing sights that people working a nine to five job only dream of. Yea I'm lucky like that ;P. But also thankful, OH SO VERY THANKFUL.

I got a cold while there, but that's the least I could have caught shooting in very low temperatures with the blasting wind coming straight from the ocean whipping the shore. I thought the city was spectacular but full of slums as well. It's very comparable to NYC, but NYC is a dream, my dream (slums and all)!

San Fran was beautiful from afar with all its up and down roads, background hillsides, bridges, and oceans. When you got into the city, though the architecture was astounding and incomparable to any other, the corrosion of the ocean made everything look a bit run down.

I definitely loved the city overall. It also made me realize how fortunate I am to have a home where I do, with a 1 acre backyard, warm temperatures, and the everyday life commodities I am so used to, and love.

The locals (our clients) told us that the weather was beautiful and that we had come at a beautiful time; they giggled at us when we said it was way too cold!

I think if I would have visited with warmer weather (or perhaps brought along heavier jackets) I would have liked it a lot more. One thing I loved in San Fran was the shopping in Union Square! amazing! all the stores a girl could ever want-- conglomerated. I UN-regretfully spent too much on beautiful clothes for myself and a few pieces for the husby.

One memorable moment was when we lunched on the 8th floor of MACY's at the Cheesecake Factory.. it was beautiful and another moment where I reconfirmed how lucky I am to live this life.

Renting a car and driving/riding through San Fran traffic and the dreaded bridges was hectic but C did great with only a few screams at "Geary Rd" I can still hear the shrieks now! as I'm sure she still hears my panic while riding over the bridges... there is just something utterly uncomfortable about riding on bridges to me. It's definitely the heights!

We also visited Napa valley which was stunning as one would expect. Like driving through a painting.

I captured this trip though a newly aquired iphone app called HIPSTAMATIC :

Our hotel was beautiful, accommodating, and by far my favorite we have ever lodged at. It was called the CARLTON HOTEL. It's vintage/travel theme fit perfectly with my lifestyle and the decor is exactly what I picture my home dressed like as I get older! just a darling hotel! really! I give it 5 stars! another bonus is that every evening they had a mini party with free wine in the lobby. It was so quaint and such a happy place. I adored the light blue striped wallpapers, the elevators full of maps and real life vintage photos of foreign countries, and the lobby decorated with books, rugs, globes, and coral! so stunning!

The first day there, we visited FISHERMAN'S WHARF, and Pier 39 where dozens and dozens of sea lions hung out on platforms and squealed their sea lion squeals. We believe a baby was born while we were visiting because some fishermen came and got a baby lion and took it away in a box (to inspect him??) we are not sure, we just know we came at an eventful time for sea lions.

We ate at Boudin, famous for its animal shaped sourdough, and continued the day with a trolley ride.

We definitely had the full San Fran experience, and I loved every minute of it. And although I absolutely loved it all, there is never any place like home!


A Very Berry Blog said...

LOVE this one!!!!!!!! "GEARY!!!!!!!" hahahhaaaaa