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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Let's recap


May and June were even more intense than I had anticipated. NYC at the end of May, D.C. and Italy in June. So much happened in these two innocent months, it's kind of hard to recount it all, but I shall try. At the beginning of May Brian had finally finished his masters, and with the relief of his graduation, came along a sinuous string of symptoms. He had a full blown panic attack (while accompanying me to a wedding), he thought his heart was palpitating. We were very scared and because smaller attacks kept happening we ended up at an emergency room in randomtown Alabama, where two doctors called it stress related and anxiety.
At this point we were not satisfied with this answer because we were so incredibly worried. fast forward 2 months and oh I don't know 6 to 8 doctors, an x-ray, blood work, allergy tests, and an endoscopy later, there was nothing they could find. This is where we all fully absorbed that what Brian was feeling were ALL psychosomatic symptoms. I think we are on an uphill road now, and really this is the very condensed version of what he and I have been through. To make it all the more intense, I had to be in Italy for a FULL MONTH, while he was home completely suffering from depression. SAD SAD stuff.

While I was in Italy, my disposition was either really stressed or maniacally happy.
The first 10 days I was there, I did not sleep in the same bed for more than 2 days. I went from home to home, city to city, train to train, visiting family and also shot a stunning wedding. When my itinerary changed at the end of June, and I found out I'd be there until July, I stayed in my most favorite place in the entire world with old friends, waiting to shoot the hardest wedding I've ever done. So again, it was high HIGHS and low LOWS. Sorrento is my escape, the place I retreat to when I close my eyes and need to evacuate reality. So to be there over two weeks was a treat from the heavens. to be there with my childhood friend Mariasole was doubly as sweet. And then shooting a celebrity wedding not too far from there, in a location that is arguably even better than Sorrento, well that's what I call THE LIFE.

July 9th I finally and climatically arrived from Italy back home. Brian and I, did and have been spending loads of quality time together. July overall was full of decisions and indecisions. The we held a workshop for work which was one of the highlights, and shot a couple of sessions. July has been either really good or really bad, but it truly looks like we are on an uphill road and for that I am so very thankful. We are contemplating perhaps moving, but right now it might as well just be a dream, since all we've done is simply talk talk talk.

I have high hopes for this month; ideally I'd like it to have only 2 trips and lots of needed and desired time with my boo.


I have found this incredible cruise called the WORLD CRUISE. I always knew these existed, but because of where Brian and I are right now in our lives, it really makes sense to us to do one of these. We want to see the world now, before we have any ties, while we can enjoy each other, before we have more to lose, more to worry about, and to be better rounded individuals. The only small problem is that the cruise is $20K+ per person, and it lasts about 3 months. So it takes a lot of consideration and thought and let's say BALLS to commit. It's also very very hard to find reviews on these cruises.. in fact they are non-existent on the WWW.

I'm looking forward to:
I have two trips planned that I am very giddy about: Europe and Hawaii
We will be vacationing in Europe in Sept/Oct for 2 weeks and then off to Hawaii for 1 week. My goal is to relax, enjoy, absorb, shop for vintage, eat, be chic, live and love this big beautiful earth. There is really nothing that gives me a high more than traveling, or sticking another infinitesimal pin on the map. I feel overwhelmed with the myriads of places I want to visit, and I'm not even sure where we should begin: South America, Bali, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Morocco, etc etc...

You could say I am thirsty for travel

Let's see what August brings :) I am ready.