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Wednesday, 22 February 2012


I have been quite paranoid about the things I put into and onto my body. I had a minor freak out when I went to go get my hair cut and the hairstylist put oil in my hair and some other product on my scalp. I did muster the courage to say NO to hairspray thank goodness!. Nonetheless, I was feeling pretty guilty. You see, I would have said something, but it seemed everyone in that salon knew who I was (via Simply Bloom) so I couldn't say "Im pregnant dont put that on me!!!".
After a chat with Christine, I did learn that I need to know where my comfort lines are, and speak up if I have to, so that's what I've been doing since. What Christine told me was very true: "make a call, and stick to it" and it's actually been working :)

I have made the call of writing down all the things I'm skeptical to eat and use and will consult my doc about them. I am very iffy on beauty products, so it's definitely something I want to address with him.

Our first doc appointment is this Friday-- I have a feeling it's going to make things even more real. I can't wait to see my baby. He/she is already the center of my world.

PS: the oil the hair stylist used was Argan Oil, which is actually good during pregnancy I've read.