I had another smaller episode of Braxton Hicks. This time it happened from 3am to 5 am. I woke up from the "cramp" thinking "omg was I sleeping on my belly!?" but then I quickly realized that it was the same exact feeling I had had before of BH. This episode was milder but took longer to go away. I knew not to fear and to just relax, eat and drink. I actually even fell asleep and then woke again. I was really chill about it so much so that I even slept lightly through it.
I've been analyzing the ultrasound and I am concluding the following:
Ezra will most definitely look more like his daddy, BUT he seems to have my "side nostrils", cheeks/mouth corners, and maybe feet ;) haha!
We will see if my observations will be accurate...
There are only 70 some days until our due date! which is unbelievable to me. It feels like pregnancy has all these milestones to look forward to:
the first ever ultrasound
the first ever heartbeat
the end of the 1st trimester
the first kick
the gender reveal
the 4d ultrasound
and then all of a sudden those "milestones" come to an epic and momentous end where the ONLY thing left is to meet the baby face to face!
basically the next milestone is the real contractions, the real labor.
During week 29 I also experienced something pretty crazy: the baby shakes.
It basically felt as if the baby was convulsing inside of me--- really quite scary actually-- but when I looked it up, it explained it has something to do with their developing nervous system and sleep/dream function. Still I felt it about 4 times throughout one day, and it was just a wild feeling.
I think my brain, at this stage in pregnancy, is simply trying to wrap itself around the thought that.. I am actually gonna have to push this baby boy out one way or another. It's gonna happen, no matter what. It's a feeling of "unknown territory" and anxiousness all at once. Happy excited nerves if you will ;)
Watch Ezra's 4 D Ultrasound HERE
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