We went to the doctor today and discovered that I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. That piece of news came almost as a shock- and mixed emotions, even though I was WANTING that exact news.
The initial shock, then panic, then happiness, then pride, excitement, anxiousness, and more and more and more joy and happiness! then: "Brian, you HAVE to pack your bag!"
I am so proud of how on chart Ezra is, and so happy that things are progressing!
Our awesome doc also told us that he is sitting super low and that I won't have to push long! 100 more points for baby!!! Dang this kid is a good one ;)
This week we did the hospital tour and initially I was nervous-- seeing and imagining myself there- in a paper gown
I inspected the size of them and thought "that's about right, that's about the size foot I feel nudging my side" ;)
I think the baby nursery should be where people go to chill out on a bad day.
After having seen the L&D room and its sterile appearance, I went home to pack 1 decoration for our room ;) just to add a touch of warmth to it.
Everyone comments on how the belly has dropped, but honestly I think that's just something people say around 35 weeks or so...
Our group of friends all made "bets" on when Ezra would arrive-- and only 2 people guessed that he would be 1 or 2 days late-- everyone else estimates an early arrival :D
The big day is soon indeed.
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