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Thursday, 18 October 2012

40 weeks!!! | Due date

How do I feel at 40 weeks? Heavy, achy, ready. 
I really would love to go into labor naturally, but I am not sure if it's gonna happen, and I am also not sure if I could wait 2 whole weeks if the doctor allows it-- which would be Halloween day. The progress of dilation has been super slow and so I'm not sure what to think.

These last few days have been turmoil/hibernation, but now, on the due date, I feel calmer, more at peace. As if I had to experience those feelings of confusion and frustration in order to learn something: patience and lack of control. I now GET that I am not in control- and honestly, I'd really like for my body to take over and avoid having to "take control" via induction. But regardless, I resign. I resign in making any type of plan. Now it's up to fate.