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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Ezra | 15 weeks

My favorite thing Ezra has been doing lately is: when I am putting him down for a nap and I am holding him in my arms (besides loving all of that) I specifically love how he reaches up to my chest/collar bones with his little hand. He is snuggling me and it warms me so very much. He is such a happy baby-- even when we do unpleasant things to him like clean his ears, suck out snot, or take his temperature he barely ever fusses and is all smiles seconds later. He is so content-- so in love with us.

Yesterday was Brian and my 5 year anniversary and we left baby with my mom-- he kind of doesn't like other people right now- it's definitely something I need to address and make sure he sees more than just me and his daddy ;)

it was 60 degrees out today and it was so refreshing to go take a walk outside-- i need the vitamin D--- I vote for winter to be the shortest month of the year!! I can do like maybe 1.5 months no longer. Everyone I know is sick, snotty, stuffy and couped up. I had been feeling couped up for sure so Brian (knowing me better than I know myself)  found this hip pop dance class for me to do-- and I must say it's so much fun-- I wish I was better at it, but it's just so energizing and a FUN way to break a major sweat.

I am happy happy happy-- now if only spring would come so we can be outside more!! I think it falls perfectly with Ezra getting a bit older he'll be able to sit in the grass take little baths outside, swing at a playground etc... I can't wait!