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Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Ezra | 31 weeks

Ezra had another little outbreak from what I believe was the butternut squash. It was really not peasant to deal with as we had to use steroid cream again. It's also resulting in his crazy cheek rubbing again and therefore a band-aid with moisturizer to keep him from rubbing it raw. It already looks a bit better but we are still going to see a dermatologist because at this point it hasnt fully healed in 3 months :<

My diet is still strict no egg no milk no wheat and Im really adjusting--- it's still really challenging but doable and I feel so good about myself ;)

Ezra is still smiley and wonderful, chill & happy. SUCH a momma's boy! He still doesn't drink from a bottle (breast only) but does suck tiny mini sips from a straw!!