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missed 2 weeks of routine photos while we were away, but here is Ezra's 7 month photo.
This outfit is very sentimental as Brian bought it for me when we found
out it was a BOY ;D
So happy to say that through my diet his "eczema" is completely gone!!!! I knew it was BS what the doc called eczema I knew it stemmed from something and sure enough not that Ive removed egg wheat and milk completely from my diet, Ezra's skin is flawless like a baby's should me.
We have still not made any progress on the bottle situation so he's still exclusively on my breast. I would love to be able to leave him with grandma for a day but it's basically impossible. We've tried many bottles ($$!) and several techniques and tricks-- to no success. He now lets us put it into his mouth but doesn't suck... just plays with it.
We went to Scotland and road tripped through the Highlands and it was incredible (Pics coming soon). Both Brian and I feel like much better parents after having traveled with two babies of 7-8 months (our friends' baby), changing diapers virtually anywhere breastfeeding in the middle of nowhere, in changing rooms, and sleeping in a different hotel every 2 nights. It was really an amazing trip and it exceeded my expectations. I feel I let go of control and simply enjoyed, and it worked. More on the trip later.
I love Ezra's beautiful teeth smile-- it's the most tender thing. He made many strides while we were away. He got a personality all his own, he loved being overstimulated by the city life (Edinburgh) and would get so hyper it was adorable! He is so close to making his first crawl, he has all the right movements, but it's not happening yet. He can now roll from back to front, babbles perfectly "baba" "dadda" are two of his favorites, he stands on his legs pretty well and he clicks his tongue :P
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