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Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Dreams, Hopes & Thoughts

Lately around our house there have been a lot of those, Brian and I have been talking a lot about the grand scheme of things... and It's amazing what could be in our future that we cannot even imagine.. it's beautiful and I am so anxious to find out. My senior year in high school , I will never forget this, I was going through some ups and downs trying to figure out what major I was going to be in college. I remember talking to my economics teacher a lot about my dad not wanting me to peruse art, although I knew for certain that that was the place i needed to be. My economics teacher clearly saw that I was right about this, and I felt good about this. Because he understood and my dad did not, so I did not feel childish and I was reassured.

This teacher said one thing that really striked me, because I felt like he REALLY understood me, he said that life is like a book and that I needed to go through chapter by chapter, and not anxiously skip to the end. Because that is how I am, always so anxious to find out what's ahead with a thirst that can sometimes prohibit me from enjoying what it is I am doing/experiencing at the moment. I try now, to catch myself If I do that now, but I think I am just an overly excited person sometimes.

Anyways, I went onto college with Political Science (strongly suggested by my dad) for a totally of two semesters, obviously hating it. I then, discovered that I really enjoyed reading and mostly writing, so I became and English major for most of my college career, still knowing art was what I needed to be doing. One of the many times I was strongly defending the "ART MAJOR" issue to my dad, he VERY UNEXPECTEDLY, agreed. I believed he said to himself: "what you are going to teach english to the english people"... (haha)
I was so ecstatic, and although I was slightly sad to have to leave Shakespeare & Chaucer (EH 495) behind, I switched to GRAPHIC DESIGN the next day. Life changed once more, my last year of college, when I met Christine and found (though her) my passion for photography. AGAIN, VERY UNEXPECTED.

Looking back those are the chapters in my life, little things that buit up to me having my own business and really living my life the way I want it, with my principles all intact. Because I really would have never settled having one of those "one among the masses" jobs... and so today I can say that I am really happy with all the choices I made, when i was 16, 18 and now.

Anyhow, Brian and my book, I can't wait to unfold...

OH btw, the whole reason I was going to blog tonight was to share this amazing blog I came across
it has some amazing DREAMY IMAGES, hence the title of this post.
Tonight I also got thinking...
try to imagine a world without photographs... brings very strong feelings in the form of tears to my eyes, to think if that'd be true.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

A Late March Weekend

I haven't posted any interesting photos in a while.. so i thought id share some images from a recent night out with friends last Friday! :)

On another note...

Today (Sunday) was the simplest most perfect day... and this is funny because I was actually in pain most of the day.. yup that time of the month, what can you do!?
But again it was perfect, Brian indulged in being very lazy with me and making me croissants with nutella for breakfast, as well as ice cream (later on in the day).
He cared for me so sweetly <3
We also COINCIDENTALLY matched in black shirts and gray sweat pants :)
then later when we went out (because we ran out of cheese) we both just put jeans on
and still matched by accident! I love these simple days with him, where everything is very "every-day-life" and yet so pleasant.

I love him!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Our blog changed look!

I m very happy with this new template, it's cleaner to say the least,
and I made the banner, you like? :)

Photo :)

Check out THE MATERNAL LENS a blog about photography, motherhood, entertainment, inspiration. They were wonderful enough to feature one of my photos as photo of the week!
I thought Id share it here, as I was very flattered by this :)

Monday, 16 March 2009

New Me

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Talita & Karsten

not much to say, besides it's gorgeous to photograph beautiful people! my sis is gorgeous and my baby nephew is the cutest little monkey in the world! he was ALL OVER THE PLACE while we were taking photos... I guess nothing is more exciting than hanging in your diapers with mommy and auntie on the bed ;)
Im not sure Im getting used to the word "auntie" so well, but when it comes out in hiw sweet super excited little voice, it WILL melt my heart. I love him.

Taly-many more gorgeous pics to come! :D

-Your sis ;)

Monday, 2 March 2009

red hot

Above, some quick snapshots by Christine in her front yard right after I got my "HAIR DID" ;)

So I have to PUBLICLY thank Tiffany Behel for giving me this gorgeous hair color, that I am so much in love with. You can find her at Artisans Salon and Spa on Airport Rd.
She is awesome and I would suggest going to her any day!
She will hook you up! ;)

There is NOTHING that makes a girl feel better than good hair. There is something euphoric about walking out of the salon with your hair softer, lighter, brighter and shinier than usual! It's the ultimate pampering treat!
Not to mention, the warm hair dryer that will just puts me to sleep!

Anyhoo, I am pretty sure I will go brighter and brighter. So I hope you like, cause it's here to stay.

In Brian news, he dropped one of his classes, and although I encouraged him to stick with it for the longest time, I know he made the right choice by leaving it.
It was tough material, but the issue was the professor, unfortunately. So he will take it later on. No sense in loosing any more sleep, hair and mental sanity over it.
Jokes aside, I can already see him being happier and it's only been one day.

by the way, we went to Surin of Thai for Sushi a couple of days ago and we SWOONED over their SUPER CRUNCH! YUM!
