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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Random Things & Aspirations

1. Watch an American Idol episode... LIVE
2. Have a short pixie-like haircut
3. Go to Santorini
4. Go to Ireland
5. I like hazelnut better than chocolate
6. I freak out over "little stuff" (like un-tucked sheets) but I shrug at "big things" (like cracked iphone)
7. One day I will see the aurora borealis
8. I deeply believe I may be one of the most fortunate people in the world, I know pretty cocky, right!?
9. I am formally and officially licensed to teach Italian and really enjoyed teaching it when I used to.
10. I am the kind of person who always asks themselves "what's next?", and I believe that that is my hubris.

And because this photo makes me happy: