10 weeks is very exciting and yesterday's appointment did not disappoint!!!!!! we got to see our little baby dance and move and.... wait for it... WAVE AT US!!!!!! that little, yet very distinct wave was amazing!! <3
Brian was smitten by the baby moving... he couldn't believe it!
we are so happy to have a healthy dancing little baby growing right on chart (at 10 weeks he/she measured 10 weeks and 2 days) so yay! what a strong little guy!
EVERYONE thinks it's going to be a girl, but I personally do not have an intuition whatsoever! I am not leaning either way and I don't have the "feeling" of knowing... simply patiently awaiting until we find out for sure!
The appointment itself was very long. We arrived at 12:15 and left at 2:30. We waited for a long time but I didn't care about that. After the glorious and exciting ultrasound, I had to give 7 viles of blood!!! ugh...
Everything was perfect with the baby and gratefulness doesn't even begin to describe it.
I really want to commemorate here that
From the very first moment we found out, Brian has been not your typical man in denial or shock. Perhaps on some level, he even seems more prepared than me ;) He also TOTALLY is sharing my symptoms! he eats like he's pregnant with twins! he is very in tune with me, I tell him everything I feel physically and emotionally and the communication is reciprocal.
There have definitely been a couple of instances where he was clueless about obvious things, and it caused a fight... but oh well no one is perfect.
He kisses my non existent bump and I know he loves and wants this baby so much :.)
The other heart-melting thing is that he always says he wouldn't mind having a little girl who looked and sounded like me! :) whenever he says that my pupils turn heart-shaped! :D
He's going to be even better at this parenting thing than I am ;P
Anyways the bittersweet news is that we wont get to peek at baby for another 8-12 weeks
oy! but but but we will find out the gender then soooooooooo definitely worth the wait! :D
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