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Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Science would probably disagree with me, but I KNOW I felt a movement in the womb.
I know it wasn't gas, I know what gas feels like. Actually during pregnancy gas is a little painful. I also know I've never felt that tiny little feeling before ever in my life, in fact it freaked me out a bit.

I was laying in bed on my side waiting to fall asleep and I felt a tiny string of FIZZING bubbles deep inside of me. In a perfect row. fizzing. I took another breath and I felt the same thing freaked me out so I moved out of the position and told Brian about it! I shrugged this feeling off very quickly because I didn't know what It meant and frankly, there have been many many new subtle feelings when it comes to my body lately so I didn't think much of it.

A couple of days later while reading a pregnancy article about I don't remember what, they described the movement of the baby JUST AS THE FEELING I HAD EXPERIENCED!!!! When I read a few more descriptions of women who felt the same thing around the same time, I KNOW IT WAS MY BABY!!! The reason I am so sure is because It's a feeling I've never had in my life :D

Ok so tomorrow is the big day I've been dying to arrive!!!! Our ultrasound where we get to see baby again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did I mentioned how much I love technology and ultrasounds in particular???? I am dying to see my baby again!!!!!!!!!! this time I might blow up the pic! :D