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Friday, 27 April 2012

Baby is that YOU!!?

Today I think I felt the baby move!!!!!!!!! it was freaky ! and so cool and left me with a silly smile on my face when I was alone...

It first happened outside the bank while sitting in the car. The weird sensation made me jolt and say "ummm what was THAT!?" and then i shrugged it off because after all, it was only a split second and I've been having all kinds of weird jerks and ligaments pulls going on.

But then later, outside the post office (yes, it was errand day), I felt it again-- the same ROLL sensation in pretty much the same spot! (ovary thereabouts). Mystery Morris is about 4.5/5 inches, but it's still pretty early to feel him/her according to the internet. Possible, but early :D

 Christine was with me during those two happenings, and then I felt the subtlest thing when I was alone later on. So that adds up to 2.5/3 times in one morning/afternoon the very first day I felt anything at all!

What a weird feeling, I would describe it as: take you pointer finger knuckles and roll it onto your skin, now imagine that feeling from the inside!! It wasn't gas or flutters it was a ROLL ! :D

What an insane day... I want to feel it more more more! :D :D :D