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Friday, 22 June 2012

23 weeks

Ezra begins dreaming this week! oh my swoon! isn't that incredible!? what do babies in utero dream about!??!?! wow, that's a million dollar question right there. I am so in love and anxious to meet this little kicker bug. I just want to kiss his cheeks so badly!

I would call this "preparation week". I've made a really good dent into building the babe's registry, made one of the mobiles, ordered some things for his room/s (nursery & playroom/my office).

When it's all flawless and finished I will of course take photos and post them here :D

I also decided what his HALLOWEEN OUTFIT will be !!! eeeek!!! it's a secret for now though! ;)
He will be only a few days old so I had to take that into consideration! but oh my goodnessssssssss what a cutie he shall be!

In belly button news:

wow the right side of my belly button feels like it's stretching all the way. I put oil and lotion several times and thank goodness the stretching is not a mark!!!! but I am pretty terrified about a potential stretch mark right there! it also itches so much from all the skin stretching! lotion, oil, lotion, oil, lotion, oil, lotion, oil!

I think it will be a little freaky if/when the belly button flips/pops up! oy!


This week has also been RECOUP week. It's been so therapeutic.  I've shut off work completely-- something that well...I've never done. I've never not checked emails and worked in about 4 years. Even on weekends.  I totally mean that too. I had kind of forgotten how simple and easy life could be on a daily basis. Is it a tiny bit boring? sure maybe! but wow, I can honestly say that this has been so good for my MIND, body, soul and mood. I told myself that I'd start back on Monday, and I am now totally dreading it. Getting back to 3 businesses, 3 inboxes, and hundreds of demanding requests catapulting at you all at once will not be so fun.

Anyways this RECOUP week I got a prenatal massage (courtesy of all my fab girlfriends) whom I was loving while I was getting kneaded by the masseuse lady! I got my favorite ice cream, baked a new recipe, went to the pool, the mall and simply just hung out. It was fabulous.

This stage of pregnancy is the best because I feel Ezra move all the time. I never feel alone, and I often smile down at his big movements.