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Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ezra | 11 Weeks

Ezra is making so many little discoveries and checking off so many little milestones. Gradually but punctually :) He is perfecting chewing on his hands, doing fabulously during tummy time, holding his head up like a pro and just in the last 2 days I think he is making some strides towards discovering his toes (or at least knees!)! :D

While I change his diaper he lifts his legs up like a froggy to "help" and it's sooo adorable, it's like he's showing off his strolg legs and helping mommy ;) it's adorable

He also has this new "move" which I call "the sumo wrestler" because he will "body slam" his legs with all his might onto the mattress in his crib!

I love this boy OH SO MUCH 

He keeps me busy busy. I feel compelled that when he's awake Im all his. It's my job to stimulate him and play with him. Once he will be able to play with his toys he'll have more solo time and I will too.. but for now he needs his mommy to love and play on and with him. By doing so and dedicating myself to him I see so much growth in his abilities :)

This boy is going to be someone special, I am pretty sure.
I always tell him that I want him to be a good choice maker-- that skill alone will lead to integrity and happiness throughout his life.

Ezra you make me happy every single day. Thank you for being our angel.