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Sunday, 28 June 2009

Poll + Post

Another very curious question, so please help me figure this out:

Also, here is what is going on lately:
well well I know this is not supposed to have any relation to the business, but I am just so proud of our NEW BUSINESS BLOG I simply MUST put a link of it:

Life is good, Brian and I have already narrowed down what our next TRIP will be after Italy.. are you ready??? can you guess it??? let me give you a hint...

yup Scotland!!! It's obviously not set in stone or anything, but Brian would really like to go there to celebrate receiving his masters in EE at the end of 2010 :) wowie wowie!!! I think it's his supposedly "Scottish roots" calling him back home ;) ahaha I'm a dork! I am excited that he is showing more and more interest in traveling; so if he has any ideas or requests, we simply MUST do it! :D

I think it would be kind of neat if we each chose a trip every other time. For example, I pick Italy, he picks Scotland, then I will pick the next location, and so forth. This, I believe, can be something really beneficial to our relationship. Because we are so different, we will always pick places that the other would not have, and will therefore BENEFIT in the end by seeing something NEW and different every time.

I think that's what really works with us and our dynamics. We make each other do things we would not if it wasn't for the other. While sometimes being different is challenging, other times it's so rewarding. I cannot imagine being in a relationship with someone like me... with the same type of personality... there would be daily confrontations. But with our complimentary personalities, it seems as if I wasn't meant for anyone else. His softness and patience are like the fluid water that wraps around the solid castle walls. His patience makes him stronger; stronger than my hard outer shell may seem. HE is much stronger than I am so many times. It takes a STRONG, settled person to be with me, and in Brian's case his strength is secreted by his placidity.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

New Discovery

I found my new favorite store.. this definitely can compete with Anthropologie clothing wise. Although it makes Anthro's prices look like TJMAXX's! ;)
still it is fabulous!


PS: yay for 50 days!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

So fitting :)

I found this perfectly fitting video that expresses my excitement about 59 DAYS UNTIL WE GO TO ITALY!!!

me plus italy on

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

LOVE these sites!

I love these sites *SIGH*:

all these sites are super amazing for modern/vintage furniture, but they are also ULTRA expansive.. do you know of any modern furniture/decor stores/sites that are more affordable?!? (besides ikea which I love)


And on to a much more trivial post...

This is a very trivial post followed by such a serious one, but I just wanted to suggest "He's Just not that into you" as a great romantic comedy. I love that genre to begin with, but this was actually a pretty good one :)
I had read the book some years ago and just didn't think much of it.. but the movie is SO different and I loved it. So if you are into that kind of movie, I would def. watch it!! :)

PS: oh, and if your hate for Drew Barrymore is a factor for not seeing this movie (as it was for me) don't worry she is really not in many scenes ! ;)

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Blogs are a keyhole into other people's lives; and in my opinion that's a beautiful thing. People share what they feel comfortable sharing, and on the internet, that usually happens to be a lot. I myself am a blog follower of several interesting sites. When you read about people's daily lives, you feel as if you know them without ever having met them once. One of my daily reads is Jasmine Star's blog she is a wonderful photographer in CA. She is friends with another photographer Amy Wenzel who is another fab. photographer. Anyways if you go read the last posts on both their blogs, you will probably find yourself weeping as I did this morning. Amy's husband is in the hospital after a freak accident. After you have read Jasmine's post, read Amy's and then read her husband's who has been blogging from a hospital bed. This is really an inspirational story that makes you realize how fragile life is, makes you wanna drop what you are doing a spend the whole night/week/month with your loved one.


this is a picture of Amy & David taken by JASMINE STAR

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Busy Busy

So life in our household has been BUSY AS CRAP lately!
Both Brian and I are constantly working (which is great because we LOVE our jobs)
but the downside is that I REALLY NEED TO CLEAN THE HOUSE (majorly!)
not this weekend, but next, will be the ONLY FREE weekend I have in a while, for a while. And I promise promise promise to clean my house!!!!!!

Today, tomorrow, this weekend and this month are going to be incredibly busy.
Our friends Tori & Devin invited us for dinner to their house tonight, and it was lovely.

By being their photographers, and with Tori working with Brian, we quickly became good friends and have always very funny/interesting/refreshing conversations. I feel lucky to know such people and to not only know them as my friends but also to get a closer look into their relationship as their photographer, to then capture AMAZING moments on their wedding day (because it DOES make a difference!). I know their day will be very emotional for me! :) Seriously, photographing weddings of people you are close to, IS THE MOST REWARDING experience for me. I love it, and I just cannot wait. What was also amazing to see with my own two eyes, were all the pics from their engagement shoot Christine and I took, all over their (temporarily-just-moved-in) empty house. It really made me feel good to see how they had arranged/displayed them in their home, and to see that they those images are special to them. :D

Anyhoo, Devin cooked SO WELL for Brian and I tonight. He prepared great steaks, grilled mushrooms & shrimp, and Tori made amazing green beans with soy sauce! I swear it was like eating at Outback, SO GOOD! It was so sweet of them to invite us and we had a seriously great time.



This is a really random post, and Im sorry about that, I promise to make up for it with Italy images later! Speaking of Italy, I am so jealous that my mom & my sis are there already!!! I just can't wait to go!!!!!!!!!!!!! and by the way I totally decided to BRING my 5d... wwwhhahahah! I figured, pictures are what my life is about, pictures are a huge priority in my life, and it is with high quality images that i want to remember this amazing experience with my husband. I want to make amazing imagery and I am so ready for it too! Anthropologie did a catalog that looked like it was shot in Italy, and I just loved it.
I will end this post with some images of that! :)


Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Small World

Since my mom, my sis, my bro in law and Karsten are all away in Italy,
and because today was my only "free night" to do something, Brian and I thought it would be a good idea to go out to dinner with my dad. We chose the yummy Logan's, with it's yummy rolls which you CANNOT GO WRONG with! Anyhoo, my dad and I were speaking in Italian and the waiter immediately called it out and correctly recognized which language we were speaking. We always get "Spanish" so it was nice once in a while to hear the RIGHT thing. Anyhoo, he showed off his Italian by saying a few curse words, which we thought was hilarious. Then he told us that his SISTER modeled in Italy for 5 years, and that she appeared on "GRANDE FRATELLO" which is Italian for "BIG BROTHER" a pretty big reality tv show over there.
More interested, I proceeded to ask what is his sister's name was, and he answered VICTORIA PENNINGTON!!!!
I thought that was pretty cool... here she is "no-one" but in Italy she was actually pretty "famous". When he said her name, it all came back to me; I had heard that on the "GRANDE FRATELLO"/"BIG BROTHER" show there was a girl from Huntsville, AL
so it was all quickly adding up! Then he pointed to his family who was eating at the next table over and sure enough his (other) sister looked just like VICTORIA.
Anyhoo I realize this is not very exciting, but I thought it was cool that we are all connected like that and how SMALL the world is.