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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Ezra | 14 Weeks

I am not sure how many people read this blog and I don't even want to know ;P This is simply meant to be a place to record little and big milestones in our family life, so that we never forget. In 2008 Brian and I went to St Thomas on vacation, we were sitting on the beach at night in the perfect temperature with stars above us and the salty noise of the ocean swooshing. That is when we came up with the idea of a blog called "trips under the stars". Initially it was mainly supposed to be a blog about trips we took, but really this whole life is a journey--- so it makes sense to blog a little more often to never forget even the ordinary days.

We will be traveling to Las Vegas in March, it will be Brian's first time in the desert and Ezra's 1st plane ride outside my tummy ;)

But the trip we are most excited about is a very momentous Scotland vacation we will be taking in the spring. In our family, trips, new places and vacations are a huge priority- they keep everyone happy, refueled and thirsty for life. Brian and I see trips as investments towards knowledge and for our kids they will be the best "text books" to learn from.

Ezra's passport should be coming in any day now ;) he did so good for his photo! it was kind of hilarious since he was dead asleep right before the pic- only woke up for the micro second of the flash snapping and then fell back into a deep sleep LOL

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Ezra | 13 weeks

This little man started smiling with such gust lately. Brian calls it his "moon" smile-- and it's divine. His smile has belittled everything else in my life ;)

Our family reallllly needs a vacation.. with me being huge last summer we skipped our yearly summer trip and now we are dying to leave town-- but with Brian's work it wont be possible. 

I am so glad that my boys are accompanying me to Las Vegas for my yearly work trip -- It will be so good not leaving them. I would have to have just 1/3rd of my heart with me.

It will be a great trip, busy and chaotic but great :) It will be Brian's first time seeing the desert and Ezra's first plane ride outside my belly

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Ezra | 12 Weeks

We are beginning to see rays of Ezra's personality. Overall he is a placid little soul and just happy all the time-- which is a lot like what his daddy is like. When he gets excited he is just like me very loud and boisterous.

He is SOOO into his hands- almost like addicted to wanting to chew on them ;) who can blame him they are so delicious after all.

I continue to feel so undeserving and so blessed and grateful for him. His smile fills my lungs with air

I must say things are different and more challenging when having a baby. A few examples :
New Years I spent a lot of the night (at friends house) nursing him changing him putting him to bed and checking on him

My least favorite thing has been dealing with the heavy carseat when we go out!! Sometimes even if I'd like to go out the thought of hauling that thing keeps me inside.
Also when you put the carseat in the designated spot onto the cart I literally cannot see in front of me and I go through the grocery store "windshield wiper style" checking side to side if I'm about to hit something. Maybe I'm just short, maybe it's designed funnly or maybe I'm doing something wrong but it makes life harder.

So even if there are these challenges or better, inconveniences --I wonder how people with more difficult kids do it. I am blessed with an angel who puts up with me as I figure out motherhood.

I do always put him first not only because I think he thrives that way but also because it feels wrong and internally bad to do otherwise. I prioritize his schedule and it makes him happy but it also makes me happy.

Ezra has begun to swat at his toys! It was literally from one day to the next. I strung some bug toys across his play crib and he started touching them with his hands. So carefully and meticulously he studied them. Before having a baby I thought milestones were like "check check check"  but now I am realizing that its more subtle, all the milestones overlap a bit and take months to "master".

Still I can't believe what fast learners babies are.

I love seeing Brian so happy with him and hearing him say "I love you" to Ezra it always sounds so sincere.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ezra | 11 Weeks

Ezra is making so many little discoveries and checking off so many little milestones. Gradually but punctually :) He is perfecting chewing on his hands, doing fabulously during tummy time, holding his head up like a pro and just in the last 2 days I think he is making some strides towards discovering his toes (or at least knees!)! :D

While I change his diaper he lifts his legs up like a froggy to "help" and it's sooo adorable, it's like he's showing off his strolg legs and helping mommy ;) it's adorable

He also has this new "move" which I call "the sumo wrestler" because he will "body slam" his legs with all his might onto the mattress in his crib!

I love this boy OH SO MUCH 

He keeps me busy busy. I feel compelled that when he's awake Im all his. It's my job to stimulate him and play with him. Once he will be able to play with his toys he'll have more solo time and I will too.. but for now he needs his mommy to love and play on and with him. By doing so and dedicating myself to him I see so much growth in his abilities :)

This boy is going to be someone special, I am pretty sure.
I always tell him that I want him to be a good choice maker-- that skill alone will lead to integrity and happiness throughout his life.

Ezra you make me happy every single day. Thank you for being our angel.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Ezra | 10 weeks

You now will go up to 10 hours between feedings through the night. You are a happy and observant baby. You absolutely LOVE my face ;) and that fact sends me to cloud 9 every time you smile at me. You are so vocal and adorable when you talk to your daddy and I. You only talk when we engage you and have a conversation with you face to face. Your favorite word you repeat sounds like "aqua" or "auwa". You are happiest in the morning right after your 1st feeding. I am still not a fan of mornings (I have never been) but now I look forward to our morning chit chat so much that it doesn't matter.

I am realizing that you will be so little for SO LITTLE. So I literally soak up and deeply inhale your fresh bread loaf smell, your fuzzy soft hair against my face and your giggle talk.

We built a tent and last night me you and daddy  played snuggled and read you a book. This might be one of my favorite memories thus far. You were so content. This is just a temporary one, but I plan on making you one where we can read and snuggle every night before your bed time :)