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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

We're getting older ;)

Compared to four years ago, I can definitely see a progression in our appearances, personalities, and lifestyles. I'm not sure if this evolution is for the better physically, but I do feel that Brian and I get closer and closer everyday. Emotionally we are growing in unison. He is my FAMILY, MY BLOOD-- in and out. I feel HE IS the ONE and only person in this world I can always rely on. I feel as if I can fall hard and he will catch me always; I feel he will never let me down, never hurt me, rather take care of me and always be on my side. my team. I FEEL THIS, and I KNOW THIS. We are a TEAM, as he sweetly & often claims at the most random times. Love is not the word to describe what we have-- AGAPE is a better one.

Here is how our exterior has progressed over the last 4 years:

Monday, 26 April 2010

From New Castle to Boston to Chicago to Nashville to HSV

All in one day. This past weekend was pretty intense as far as traveling goes. I went to New Hampshire for work, and I want to make a quick note on here to remember just how amazing my husband is. He is super awesome. I can't even absorb that fact fully.

From about 11am I was on a taxi, bus, several planes, and other means of transportation. When the bad weather delayed all flights out of Chicago, we consequently missed our connecting flight to HSV. When we consulted an American Airlines employee, she informed us that we were automatically put on the next flight to HSV, which would be late the NEXT morning.

I would not take it, I would not take ANOTHER hotel, another improvised night with too little toothpaste to go around, another night no sleeping in my bed, another night wasted. I demanded we be flown to a nearby airport--- Birmingham!? Nashville!? anything would do!

As it turned out, they were in fact able to fly us to Nashville that same night... and this is where my lovey comes in... I had to call him and ask him to pick us up at the Nashville airport at about 11:30pm... He drove 2hrs there and 2hrs back in the stormy weather and came to my rescue. I love him. On top of all that, I came home to a squeaky clean home, fresh sheets, washed laundry & done dishes. HE IS THE PERFECT HUBBY IN THE GLOBE!

Here is a quick Iphone photo I took of him as he drove me TO the airport for this same trip :) he's a yummy lovey.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

A night to remember

Last night was a simply special night. B and I watched American Idol as per usual on Tuesday nights, ate some made-up dish I conglomerated, and had a super snugly night.
What was my special recipe you ask?! a Frankenstein type of fried rice that turned out quite good. You see, it had a touch of "german", my fried rice. I replaced what should have been shrimp, with ahem... bratwurst. But really, I promise-- it was good! Brian ate all of it! and the left overs the next day!!
My favorite part of the night was when B surprised me by pushing the two couches in the living room together. Creating a big "boat" for us to snuggle in. Filled with pillows, blankets and dogs, we listened to some of our favorite songs, and talked. The music infused the room with the good kind of melancholy. Think GARDEN STATE SOUNDTRACK. We grew tired in our boat and slept there through the night.

What a special night with my little family.

Friday I leave for work to New Hampshire for the weekend. I will of course pack late at night the night before the flight. It's a horrible habit, ahem I mean, special tradition I have.

And just because, here is a pic of New Castle, NH

Monday, 19 April 2010

Ok so do you want to know where we are going next!?

This is how it began...

Brian and I were at a local Fresh Market (Kalous) which by the way is less than impressive. The scarce choices hardly leave you wanting more, and the the value of the foods does not match its quality whatsoever. Anyways, I digress. As we sat and ate, we agreed that one thing we both have in common currently is that we are both in dire need of a big fat vacation.

This blog was started to only blog about the vacations that Brian and I take (HECE IT'S NAME -tripsunderthestars) and although with time, it has diverted into a bit of every topic possible and imaginable-- the thing that I am most excited about blogging is still trips. Crap, I digressed again...

As we talked, I fantasized about a far away land, and I surprised myself in thinking about IT as the first vacation idea :)
Brian agreed with this special spot right away, and trust me, he usually never agrees to ANYTHING right away.

I'll give you a hint: It's 11:42 pm in Huntsville right now, and it's 8:42pm where we will be going in June :)

Another hint?
It's within United States

Yet Another, you ask!?
it's capital is Juneau


What an odd place to choose for us, and perhaps that's why I'm so excited.
The way I figure is, vacations ARE supposed to be relaxing and all, but if you take all that time off work, and spend as much money as we all know vacations are; you might as well see a different place every time and explore this big beautiful world :D :D :D

The crazy crazy thing was that when we were initially talking about possible vacation spots that day at the fresh market, and after the fact where we concluded that Alaska would be IT, Brian looked up and saw a magazine stand by the napkins and straws holding travel brochures of Alaskan cruises. These were standing on their own, and no other travel brochure was offered. It was DEFINITELY & SURELY A SIGN!!!

So we are now in the planning process of this adventurous next trip. One thing I was pretty upset to find out is that we will most likely not be able to see the Aurora Borealis :( as it's much more common in the winters. On the other hand, Im excited to go sailing, whale watching, and snuggling on a boat with my lovey.

Reasons why Alaska attracts us:


The Way We Were

I stuck to it, tonight I watched "The Way We Were" as I said I would. Through the first half of the movie I was REALLY FORCING MYSELF to like the movie, and trying even harder not to turn it off and keep an open mind. As I watched it, I can't say I feel in love-- but I did love me some of the dramatic acting, and the vintage scenes of my beloved New York City. One of the things that kept me watching this movie, was its incredible similarity to Sex & The City. I mean I had no idea how similar the two were supposed to be! I fell in love with Barbara Streisand's acting-- and how similar her character (Katie) is to Carrie Bradshaw. And how Hubble is practically Big's blond version. I loved watching the movie from which SATC originated. Definitely a good oldie.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sharing, because that's what a blog is for...

I have been on a little bit of a mission today. I have been trying to liberate myself of work, and to experience my life, and its little things. If you asked anyone, I used to be the one who would appreciate the small things, from flowers to clouds, and everything under the sky. Things have definitely changed through having my own business, and about 2400 responsibilities. It's normal, it's natural, it's healthy to change. However I think I took it a little too far. I am so in love with my job, that I have been in denial about being slightly obsessed. In a super unhealthy way. This whole time I could not understand that/why/how overworking was a negative. In hindsight, the unhealthy behaviors show to a fault, and I am too ashamed to write them here.

Until I talked to my best friend, she opened my eyes. Oh did I mention she is also my business partner? So she could speak as both those figures and have me realize that I have gone overboard. It was a bittersweet moment and we both got emotional. We recognized how much things have changed, how fortunate we are, how passionate we are, and yet that I have become a monster. Not in the literal sense of the word--- but you get it!

So onto the positive, today was the first day to my cure. I agreed & did things that I have not done in a long time. Hubby and I went up hiking on Rainbow Mountain and chatted on a balanced rock. We spent a small fortune on flowers, which we, aheam HE planted. We then planned and researched for our next vacation.

It was such a simple day, and oftentimes throughout it, I felt urges to work. As if the time I was spending being "unproductive" could have been put towards work. My bad habits were showing already in my mind, but I resisted, and forced myself to find something, ANYTHING that kept me happy and not working.

If it sounds like an addiction, please do not worry about me. I think it's simply a badly managed lifestyle that has gone on for too long. I am determined to get to a place where I am completely happy, productive, relaxed, and most of all balanced. I still deeply believe that what is underlying here, is a deep love for my carreer, an overly determined personality, and strong work ethic; but amongst what sound like great qualities, i cannot forget to live my life, that it is not a race, that at the end of my days I won't be wanting my company, rather my loved one, that I can discern, and balance the aspects of my life, and most of all that I can enjoy.

One of the simple things I did today was watch the "JULIA & JULIE" movie. I loved it. The dialogue wasn't the greatest, but the storyline, the ambiance, and the simplicity of it were remarkable. This movie was such a pick-me-up!

I am ever so thankful. I have an incredible network system that are my husband & my bff, which both alone make me one of the luckiest gals on earth. I have God to thank for all that I have.

Also thanks to Julia Child for cheering me up:

Tomorrow Im going to watch "The way we were" for the first time.